and Missions
Love, Near and Far
Here at Metro, our passion is people… all people. The Scriptures call us to, “Go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).” So through both local outreach efforts, global mission trips and strategic missionary support we are touching lives across the street and across the sea with the love of Christ Jesus our Lord. And we want all of our members and friends to embrace, support and carry within themselves the spirit of evangelism so that more people may experience salvation. Amen!
Local Outreach Efforts
Heart Reach /Neighborhood Ministries
What a truly amazing partnership we have with our friends at Heart Reach Neighborhood Ministries. Heart Reach Neighborhood Ministries exist to impact the lives of youth in the larger Youngstown area by sharing Christ’s love and partnering with others to build relationships that create safe, supportive and empowered communities one person at a time.
Now Youngstown
Our partnership and commitment to Now Youngstown is essential to us when striving to impact our immediate community. The mission of Now Youngstown is to establish unity, restore hope and to rebuild our community through God’s life changing Gospel. And this work is done all across our beloved city.
Pregnancy Help Center
We love our partnership with The Pregnancy Help Center. The Pregnancy Help Center exists to share the love of Jesus Christ with women experiencing unplanned pregnancy, and empowering them to choose life over abortion.
Adult & Teen Challenge
Located on the north side of the city, the Ohio Valley Adult & Teen Challenge is a beloved partner that we proudly support. This faith-based, non-profit organization’s mission is to provide adults and teens the freedom from addiction and other life-controlling issues through Christ-centered solutions.
Chi Alpha (YSU)
Chi Alpha is an Assemblies of God sponsored campus ministry that seeks to reconcile students to Christ, equipping them through spirit-filled communities of prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship and mission to transform the university, the marketplace and the world. This is accomplished as they make disciples that make disciples!
Rescue Mission
We love the work being done by the Rescue Mission. The Rescue Mission exists to help anyone who needs food, shelter, safety and a second chance.
LightCity Church
Metro Assembly has chosen to support the work of Light City Church and its work in Struthers, OH. As a new church plant, Light City Church desires to bring the hope and freedom of Jesus Christ to individuals and families in their community. So we are pleased to partner with them.
“…and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:8
Global Missions Efforts
Assemblies of God World Missions
Metro has a big heart for missions. And one of the ways that this is evidenced is through our partnership and support of the Assemblies of God World Missions (AGWM). Our prayers and patronage helps missionaries literally all across the globe. This includes Africa, Europe, Asia Pacific, Northern Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.
GlobalGrace Fellowship
Our new partnership with GlobalGrace Fellowship has enabled us to reach even more people… especially some of the more unreached people groups.

Faith Promise Pledge
At Metro, we wholeheartedly believe in taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people.
A faith promise is a weekly, monthly, or one time financial gift that enables our church
to reach the lost, serve our community, and support like-minded organizations and ministries
for the cause of Christ.
Click the button below to make a commitment.