Metro Kids
Every week at Metro, kids from birth to 5th grade experience a safe, age-appropriate environment where the Bible is taught in a creative, fun and relevant way. So we are passionate about teaching kids about Jesus in a way they understand.
And it is our mission to reach, teach, and keep kids for Jesus Christ. Helping them to know His love, purpose and plan for their lives.
Kid Groups
Infants (0-2)
This is a child-safe, nurturing and loving environment that reflects God’s love and heart.
- One on one time with caregivers
- Age appropriate toys, books and music
- Nursing Friendly environment
- Visual Doors for Parents
Preschool (2-3)
This is a God-centered environment that introduces God’s Word and fellowship to the children through:
- Bible Stories (circle time)
- Puppets
- Games
- Dramatic Play
- Music
- Arts and Crafts
School Agers (K-5)
This is a high energy God-centered environment that focuses on building a true relationship with Jesus Christ. In addition, this class focuses on God’s plan of salvation, discipleship, prayer and missions.
Tweens (6-7 Grade)
This class specializes in coming along side of each tween to disciple their heart and teach in a way that is age appropriate and need appropriate. The class focuses on:
- God’s Plan of Salvation
- A true relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- Heritage of faith
- Discipleship
- Church education

What You Should Know.
Locating the Metro Kids Check-In.
Upon entering the building, a greeter will recognize your child [or children] and direct you right down the hall to the large green Metro Kids banner. You will then be warmly greeted and asked to register/check-in your child. Both you and your child will receive corresponding tags which will allow you to properly sign-out your child at the end of service.
Next you will be shown where your child’s class will be, meet the team member who will be teaching him/her that day and finally asked if there are any special needs or concerns that our team should be aware of.
Our Metro Kids Team Members.
Every single volunteer that works with our children or teenagers must undergo and pass a background check. In addition, references are checked to give you peace of mind when entrusting us with your little one(s).
When it comes to your child’s safety, there are at least two Metro Kids team members in every class. In addition, our security team will be visible and active throughout the entirety of the service on Sunday morning.
Children’s Church Upstairs.
Once you have checked your little one in, they will then be escorted upstairs for their own service which we call Children’s Church. This service mirrors what you will experience yourself downstairs (worship, prayer, announcements and the Word), but at your child’s level.
What Your Child Will Learn.
Here at Metro we believe that children have the right and the ability to know Jesus, grow in Jesus and show Him to family members and friends. Therefore, each lesson given is taught so that they your child can do just that… know Jesus, grow in Jesus and show Jesus to others. So the instructions come with a lot of praise and worship, games, prizes, Scripture memorization, laughter and prayer.
And what’s really cool is the fact that many of the older students participate in Children’s Church as student-leaders themselves. Seeing them use their gifts is really really special!
Metro Kids Give to Missions.
Through BGMC (Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge), Metro Kids support mission work all across the globe. They do this by saving up all their coins and turning them in at the end of the month. You can learn more about BGMC here:
Please Let Us Know.
Metro Kids often give away prizes, candy and even serves snacks during the Sunday gatherings. So please be sure to let us know if your little one has any food allergies. Thank you.