Metro Assembly is a multi-cultural, multi-generational church that is passionate about reaching our community and world for Christ Jesus.
We love kids, students, passionate worship and a challenging, yet encouraging word from the Lord.
So you’re invited to come and experience all that’s taking place here at Metro!


Sunday Worship Experience
Sundays At 10am



Metro’s NextSteps Program is your way of becoming more familiar with the beliefs, mission and ministries of our church.


Growth Track is a discipleship pathway that is designed to help you grow spiritually and practically through sound Biblical instruction.


  • Metro Kid's Giving Tree

  • Christmas Cookie Exchange

  • Christmas Eve Candlelight Service




Cornell Jordan

(click the image to watch the video)

Scripture declares that God has uniquely called us and gifted us to make an impact (Ephesians 2:10). Yet for many, doubts, frustration, and confusion persist. And this lack of confidence has broken their courage, stunted their growth, and left them wondering if the Lord will ever use them to accomplish great things.

In this sermon, Pastor Cornell reminds us that, we are the Affirmed’ of the Lord. That God himself has uniquely prepared us and positioned us to make a generational impact. That there’s no more room or time for doubting, questioning, or even waiting for something to happen. The time is now, the opportunities to touch others is right before us, and best of all Christ Jesus himself will be there for us to start to make a real difference. ‘We Have Been Affirmed’. In Jesus name!